Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yale Child Study Center Social Engagement Study

New Haven - Yale University School of Medicine

Looking for something fun to do with your child?

We are currently enrolling children for a study on social development.
The study involves watching pictures of people, objects, and brief movies as well as playing with toys. The study does not involve any medical procedures and has been approved by the Yale University School of Medicine Human Investigation Committee (#0707002885). Children usually love it and parents find it informative. As a token of our appreciation, we offer gift certificates. Visit our lab to see state-of-the-art technology in infancy research! If you are interested and your child is between 10-24 months, please call (203) 764-5948 for more information or see our website:

The Simons Baby-Sibs Project of Social Neuroscience in Infancy
(known as “Baby-Sibs”) at the Yale Child Study Center
Are you currently pregnant or the mother of a newborn baby under 6 months of age?
The “Baby-Sibs” study is enrolling participants for a study that is investigating new methods of early diagnosis of developmental disabilities and ASD (autism spectrum disorder) in infants and toddlers.
Babies who have an older sibling diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or a developmental disability.
Babies with typically developing older sibling(s) or first babies.

Study Information:
Your baby's development will be tracked from birth through 24 months of age using play and language assessments, parent questionnaires, short video and audio observations.
The study site is located at: 40 Temple Street, New Haven, CT.
This research will help to develop new ways to diagnose developmental disabilities and ASD in infants and toddlers, and aid in methods of early intervention and treatment for those children in need.

If you choose to participate, you will be paid a small incentive for completing the study.

For more information, please call Amy Margolis at (203)785-6237.

Visit for additional details.

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